The Track System


For many people ‘track systems’ has yet to cross their radars but for those who have, have been converted in no time. Let me give you a brief description of what a track system is and how it will be your new favourite thing.

The Track itself:

A track system is literally what it sounds like, a fenced off track from the main pasture. The idea is to replicate what horses do in the wild, by creating areas for loafing, feeding and water holes encouraging the herd to constantly be on the move, mimicking the horses of the wild. Like the wild environment tracks ideally are multi-surfaced and include a wide variety of forage.

Physical Benefits:

Just like any other creature, the more horses move the less weight horses carry meaning that track system is perfect for monitoring weight - whether that is loosing fat or building and maintaining muscle. The increased roaming is not just great for their waistlines though, it is great for their hooves too. With more movement comes more blood flow, promoting healthy growth as well as the natural wear of the hoof structure. Their teeth also see an improvement over time too, with hedgerows and trees to forage from. Which is better than too shorter stressed grass or haynets.

Mental and Emotional Benefits:

Horses are herd animals and therefore are happiest and most content with others of their own kind, by keeping horses together on a track, this brings it’s own kind of enrichment. We see the horses creating and bonding with other herd members, grooming and playing. We see the induvial characters coming out and personalities develop. We never see a bored horse on a well designed track, what we do see are engaged, content, happy horses who enjoy their life as a wildling (well as close as we can get).