Our Story


Situated near Abergavenny, over looking The Blorange, our little paradise is made up of 25 acres of track and paddocks, weaving through the field and forest on our families organic farm. We share the ground with the cows and sheep to create a beautiful idyllic ecosystem. The Track is an ever changing, ever growing creature of itself, with new features constantly being added, but how did all of this come to being?

From the first moment I saw a horse I was transfixed. Growing up I was your typical horse mad little girl, but instead of going to shows and pony clubs, I gathered up the sheep and cows. Exploring the woods and creating makeshift jumps.

I always wanted to work with animals and be outside, the big dream one day was to work with horses that needed rehabilitation. Now not all this has come true yet – but it’s happening. This is all thanks to one horse in particular. My little Rock-star who came to me a couple of years ago, now while I’ve always had cobs with weight issues, none have been quite as sensitive as this dude. Not only has his weight been keeping me up at night but also he needs to be stimulated, he has to live in a herd and to be a horse.

This lead me down the line to thinking I’ll create a silvo pasture- but how would I get the water to him and his herd mates? Well of course I needed a track, so with a little research, bobs your uncle – there’s this wonderful system that people have already created.

After many hours of hard graft, my partner, Matt and I created what can only be described as a little slice of heaven for our horses in the form of the track.